How to Write Program in Rstudio to Run Again

Piece of work Faster in RStudio – Shortcuts, Tips, & Tricks

Updated: February 23, 2022.

In this commodity, we have compiled many of our favorite RStudio shortcuts and tips to aid increment your productivity while working with the RStudio IDE. We'll besides provide information almost supplemental tools and techniques that are useful for data scientists that work with R.

Y'all can expect to learn the following from today's article:

  • How to Navigate RStudio
  • How to Use Shortcuts
  • How to Execute and Format Code
  • Console History & The History Pane
  • Dealing with Tabs
  • Code Inserting Shortcuts
  • How to Apply Code Snippets
  • How to Create Custom Snippets in RStudio
  • How to Use Search in RStudio
  • How to Edit with Multiple Cursors
  • How to Use R Addins
  • RStudio and Python – Best Tips and Tricks
  • Bonus Tips: vim settings, .RProfile, .Renviron, and Docker

Notation: We present both PC and Mac shortcuts in the GIFs, only we refer only to PC shortcuts in the article. Most Mac shortcuts autumn under this dependence:

  • CTRL = ⌘ Control
  • Alt = ⌥ Pick

In some cases, Ctrl will also be the Control cardinal on Mac, which might exist confusing at first. We recommend you to look up proper shortcuts on RStudio's website or within or within RStudio itself by pressing ⌥ Option + Shift + K (Alt + Shift + K).

Nosotros guarantee you'll use at least a few RStudio panes regularly. If you desire to speed your workflow, yous should learn how to focus between them quickly, without a mouse or a trackpad. Commencement by pressing Ctrl (in this example also Command on Mac) and a number corresponding to the desired pane.

Working with Workbench? Employ Appsilon'due south Top 5 Tips for RStudio Workbench and Desktop.

Add Shift to the combination if y'all want to toggle maximize pane for the one that you are switching to at the same time. The merely pane with a different access shortcut is the final ( Shift+Alt+t ). Preset windows:

  • Assistance: 3
  • History: iv
  • Plots: 5
  • Environment: eight

The 2 you'll mostly utilise are Source Editor ( one ) and Console ( 2 ).

Allow'due south now talk over how you tin improve how y'all work in those.

Tips for How to Use Shortcuts in RStudio

Usually, the first thing you have to do when starting a new R project is to write some lawmaking. There are some features that tin can make writing code both easier and faster. Even basic tricks tin can have a significant affect one time you main them – especially when combined.

Code Completion

A proposition list will pop upwards equally y'all type or tin can exist accessed manually past either pressing Tab or Ctrl + Infinite . Y'all can adjust the settings in Global Options ->  Lawmaking -> Completion. To fill up in the suggested phrase you have to press either Tab or Enter. Pressing Ctrl + Space with the auto-completion list open will shut it. You tin navigate through the suggestion list with arrows or simply hover over the item earlier filling information technology in.

If the listing is too long, effort writing more letters to narrow it downwardly.

It'south good to know that auto-completion in R supports fuzzy matching. This ways you don't really accept to type all the messages – you tin skip whatever of them equally long as those typed are in order and identify what yous are looking for. It is especially useful for long function names that you use often. Mastering this will permit y'all to type code much faster. Note that for fuzzy matching to piece of work with auto-completion, the suggestion popup must be already active. In case it doesn't behave as you would expect, try tweaking it in code completion options.


When you lot need to type a path, can use file path auto-complete which tin be brought up by pressing the auto-completion shortcut ( Tab or Ctrl + Space ) from a pair of double or unmarried quotes.

Past default it starts in your working directory, you tin can navigate from the root location similar in shell console starting with "/", or pace-up levels in the directory tree past stacking "../"

How to Execute and Format Code in RStudio

We'll now go over a set up of useful RStudio shortcuts and tips that allow you to run the code in R scripts in unlike ways, reformat the R script, prepare indentations, and motion code blocks throughout the file.

Shortcuts to run R lawmaking

Leverage the following shortcuts to make running your R lawmaking easier:

  • Ctrl + Enter – Runs the current line and jumps to the next 1, or runs the selected role without jumping further.
  • Alt + Enter – Allows running lawmaking without moving the cursor to the next line if you desire to run one line of code multiple times without selecting information technology.
  • Ctrl + Alt + R   – Runs the entire script.
  • Ctrl + Alt + B/E – Run the script from B eginning to the electric current line and from the current line to the East nd.

Reformat R scripts

Use the following shortcuts in RStudio to reformat your lawmaking:

  • Ctrl + I – Fixes line indentations.
  • Ctrl + Shift + A – Does a consummate reformat of the selected part of a lawmaking.

If you are non happy with the outcome of those you can always undo the changes. We recommend the styler packet if you're looking for a more flexible solution for styling.

Motility code blocks through the R script

Moving lines of code up and down is easily achieved with an Alt + Up/Down combination; there is no need to cutting and paste. You can motility a single active line that mode, or fifty-fifty a whole selection. If you lot need to remove something Ctrl + D will delete the current line/selection in no time.

Console History & History Pane

Yous only have to run a piece of code once in the console. Accessing previously executed lines is as easy as navigating with the upward arrow and down arrows to cycle between them in chronological social club. For more than visual feedback, press the Ctrl + Up arrow to get a list of the last commands. If you lot combine it with typing in a part of the searched phrase you can narrow it down and hands find even complicated commands that are cached deep in the history. It will as well override autocomplete popup if it'southward agile.

Notation: searching console history doesn't support fuzzy matching. If you lot want to clear your console, use Ctrl+L. The command history volition exist preserved.

There is also a History pane( 4 ) that stores executed commands. Information technology allows search and piece of cake selection of the ones yous need (selection range with Shift or get together individual positions with Ctrl ). So insert them back into the console ( Enter ) or source file ( Shift + Enter ). The latter helps y'all avoid copying multiple commands from the panel to source manually which is troublesome due to line signs ">" that get copied as well and would otherwise have to be removed.

Dealing with Tabs

You'll work with more than one tab by and large. Switching between them is easy with Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab combinations. It allows you to jump to the next and previous tab, respectively. An alternative style to practice the same is with Ctrl + F11 / F12 if it suits yous meliorate. It is also possible to jump to the first or last one past adding Shift to those. The terminal option is navigating through tabs in the order they were accessed with Ctrl + F9/F10 .

Navigate tabs history

Jumping tabs

Going through tabs

Closing tabs

Y'all can shut a electric current tab with  Ctrl + w. Information technology is a much meliorate choice than using those small "ten" buttons on the right side of your tabs. If you get to the point where y'all have a huge corporeality of tabs open you tin:

Close All  | Ctrl + Shift + due west (+ Alt to keep the currently open up one):

Or if yous prefer to continue many tabs open, you can search through your open tabs with Ctrl + Shift + . Remember to be verbal, as there'southward no fuzzy matching here. This search can also be activated with the" >> " icon on the tabs bar.

The to a higher place shortcuts are also accessible from the File dropdown menu – this can come up in handy while using the RStudio browser session or but if you forget them.

Code Inserting Shortcuts in RStudio

We'll now get over a couple of interesting shortcuts that automatically insert lawmaking to your R scripts.

Operators and sections

  • Alt + (-) – Inserts the assignment operator (<-) with spaces surrounding it.
  • Ctrl + Shift + One thousand – Inserts the magrittr/pipe operator (%>%) with spaces surrounding information technology.
  • Ctrl + Shift + R – Creates a foldable comment section in your code. These are used for lawmaking externalization with knitr:read_chunk() function. Learn more than.
  • Alt + 50 – Collapse active section.
  • Alt + O – Collapse all sections.
  • Alt + Shift + L – Open up active section.
  • Alt + Shift + O – Open all sections

Part/Variable extraction

If you have a statement that you lot want to convert into a function, don't kickoff from scratch. Select information technology and press Ctrl + Alt + X – a shortcut for "extract into function". Y'all just need to provide the function name, all necessary inputs volition exist filled in automatically.

At that place is as well a similar shortcut for a variable extraction available with Ctrl + Alt + V. Here'due south a usage case:

Renaming in Scope

If you have to change a variable name in multiple places just you lot are afraid that "detect and replace" will mess up your code, fear not. It's possible to rename in scope merely. Information technology's achieved past selecting the part or variable we want to alter and pressing Ctrl + Shift + Alt + K.

It selects all occurrences in scope, you will take to only type a new proper name.

Yep, the shortcut is long, only it can be helpful. We observe information technology to be easier to remember equally an extension of the magrittr operator shortcut, and so Pipe + Alt .

Using Code Snippets in RStudio

Tired of writing the same chunks of code over and over and having to remember all of the brackets and required parameters for functions? A good style to avert it is by using code snippets. This role of our RStudio shortcuts and tips article teaches you everything you need to know.

What are code snippets?

Code snippets are pieces of re-usable average code.

Snippets are perfect for automatically inserting average code and avoiding the duplication of unproblematic tasks. If you are looking for a way to speed up writing large parts of code when fourth dimension is limited (e.g. live coding during a presentation), code snippets can be very useful.

How do I use code snippets?

Snippets can be recognized on your auto-completion listing by a {snippet} tag.

Write the snippet proper noun, printing Shift + Tab , or Tab twice to utilise it. If your input is needed to complete information technology – but fill out positions with elements that are important. You can cycle through them with Tab .

Some of the snippets which are available past default include:

  • Declarations – lib, req, fun, ret, mat
  • Loops – for, while, switch
  • Conditionals – if, el, and ei for conditionals
  • Apply family unit functions – use, lapply, sapply, etc.
  • S4 classes/methods definitions – sc, sm, and sg.
  • Shiny App template – shinyapp

And that's just for R! There are also snippets for other languages and information technology is very easy to customize and define your ain!

You might have noticed that we used insertOperatorsExample, a simple custom snippet nosotros created on the first GIF demonstrating operator shortcuts.

How to Create Custom Code Snippets in RStudio

For customizing or creating your ain snippets use the Edit Snippets push button under the Snippets section in Tools -> Global Options -> Code .

To better understand how to can create snippets, let's take a wait at a matrix and part snippets declarations code as an example.

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$ sign is used every bit a special character to announce where the cursor should leap after completing each section of a snippet. Within the brackets, we take a field index (the order in which the cursor will leap later pressing the tab), 0 is used as the last field, and the text after a colon is used every bit data on what should be placed in that spot. In order to insert a literal "$" inside a snippet, it must be escaped equally \$.

Snippets, as well generating code templates, can also run R code. It allows y'all to create dynamic snippets. By using r expr anywhere in your snippet your R lawmaking volition be executed when the snippet is expanded, and the effect inserted into the document.

Equally an case, have a look at the timestamp snippet declaration that is available by default.

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It runs a paste function to insert a annotate with a current date into the code. Its execution resolves into something similar this:

Let's at present create a custom snippet for inserting the pipe operator, but instead of space we will have a new line correct later on it:

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In case yous don't accept a lot of code nevertheless, there are tools to generate information technology chop-chop. The next question is then, how to discover things that you are looking for. There are multiple options available for search that you tin can utilise.

Go to file part Ctrl + (.).  In in that location yous can quickly search your projection for a file or part and jump directly to information technology. It supports fuzzy matching then information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to observe what you need.

For more robustness, press Ctrl + Shift + F to phone call the Find in Files window. Information technology allows you lot to search through files in a directory that yous can specify (even outside the project). You can jump betwixt elements you found by double-clicking them in the Find in Files window which opens next to the console.

If you desire to search only inside an agile source tab you can use the detect bar with Ctrl + F. Information technology brings several boosted options like replacing texts and searching inside a selected part of code only. It can as well be useful for multiple cursor editing, which we'll hash out in the section below.

We've covered more methods in an additional RStudio article – search within console history and search through your tabs. Yous can refer to information technology if yous want to get more details on those.

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How to Edit With Multiple Cursors in RStudio

In RStudio, you can write and edit in more than one place at a time with multiple cursors. Press Ctrl + Alt + (Up/Downwardly) to create a new cursor in the direction in which you press. If you lot want to chop-chop select more lines utilise Alt and drag with the mouse to create a rectangular selection, or Alt + Shift and click to create a rectangular option from the electric current cursor position to the clicked position.

This mode of editing may look intimidating at first, and may not be easy to operate initially. However, knowing information technology is there can salve y'all time when you encounter repetitive multi-line tasks. Try playing around with using multiple cursors and see how it feels.

Below you can see an example of how using multiple cursors might look:

Another way is to utilize the Find/Supersede toolbar from the previous paragraph to place multiple cursors. Just search for a phrase and press the All push to select all matching items. It will create a cursor for each matching phrase. If y'all don't want to search throughout the unabridged file you can too limit the area for a searched phrase by selecting a role y'all are interested in and checking the box with the "In selection" pick.

How to Employ R Addins

R Addins are a broad topic that deserves an article on its own. We'll give yous a brief introduction to the concept.

What are R addins?

R Addins allow you lot to execute R functions in an interactive way right from RStudio. Addins are distributed as R packages and tin can be launched either through the Addins dropdown on the toolbar or through assigned keyboard shortcuts.

We distinguish two types of addins:

  • Text macros – They insert text into the console/source pane or tin can transform text within the source pane.
  • Shiny Gadgets – Interactive Shiny applications launched inside RStudio which may also perform transformations like text macros, but their possibilities are much more all-encompassing.

Testing out some addins

To quickly try addins you tin install some examples from RStudio Github.

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It will give you a text macro for inserting %in% operator, as well as three shiny gadgets for a small sneak, peek of what's possible.

As we mentioned, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to an addin the same manner every bit you exercise information technology with regular shortcuts.  You can observe them easily by filtering "Addin" (all of them have their scope set like that).

Make your own R addins

If you want to check out more than of them effort the addinslist package past Dean Attali.

If you would similar to create your own addins, yous tin notice more information on how to do it here.

RStudio and Python – Best Tips and Tricks

If y'all're working on a project that primarily uses R with occasional Python scripts, RStudio should be your IDE of choice. Go to File -> New File -> Python Script to create a new Python file.

How to run Python scripts from R

Create a new Python script in RStudio – we've named ours It prints the sum of two numbers:

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To run the script from R, you lot have to import the reticulate package and call the run_py_file() function with the path of the Python script provided as an argument:

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How to call Python in R scripts

Information technology'southward recommended to use the reticulate package when you're writing the lawmaking in both R and Python, simply R is the ascendant language. In the reverse case, opt for rpy2.

The following code snippet shows yous how to create a crosstab from the MTCars dataset, convert information technology into a Pandas DataFrame, and so back to R:

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Use different Python environment

Functions use_virtualenv() and use_condaenv() functions enable you to specify versions of Python in virtual or conda environments. Here'due south how to use them:

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Bonus RStudio Tips

Tip: Use vim settings

Keep your hands in 1 identify! It'due south a powerful method for programmers. Examples: dd to delete the whole line, 7dd to delete 7 lines, navigate, macros, jumping effectually whole words instead of letters.

Tip: Use .RProfile

When you develop an R bundle, it's useful to load oftentimes used dev packages in the .RProfile file (placed in the main packet directory). For example:

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This mode you tin use functions like test(), check() without specific parcel reference or loading the packages on your own.

Tip: Increase security with .Renviron

Do not keep credentials inside your project code. A adept do is to keep them "gitignored" inside the .Renviron file:

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And use a variable in the code with Sys.getenv("db_password").

Tip: Utilize Docker

If you want to keep a consistent environment for your project development inside a team, use a dockerized version of RStudio ( ).

Tell Us Well-nigh Your RStudio Shortcuts and Tips

In that location is plainly plenty more to explore on the topic of improving your RStudio workflow, and we hope you lot are inspired to pursue further exploration and experiment on your own. If y'all end up with something useful every bit a issue – be it a code snippet, an addition, or just something useful that we did not mention here, delight share it equally a comment below. Nosotros'll be updating this page regularly with more than RStudio shortcuts and tips.

If you lot're interested in making more out of your data, bank check out how Appsilon builds the world's near advanced R Shiny Dashboards. And be sure to sign-upwards for updates on Appsilon's R and Shiny educational weblog. We provide the R community with the best tools, tips, shortcuts, and open-source packages to make the virtually out of your data scientific discipline needs.

Related Reads

  • RStudio Shortcuts and Tips
  • RStudio Shortcuts and Tips function 2
  • Height Tips for RStudio Workbench and Desktop

Further Reading

If you're looking for more than R tutorials, endeavour these out:

  • Video Tutorial: Create and Customize a Simple Shiny Dashboard
  • Tutorial: How I Built a Video Game in R Shiny
  • Tutorial: How to Use CSS to Fashion Your R Shiny Dashboards


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