How to Let a Guy Know You Just Want to Be Friends

My name is Tatiana, but my friends and family unit call me Tutta. I like writing articles that help bring people closer together.

101+ Questions to Ask Your Best Friend

101+ Questions to Ask Your Best Friend

Having a Best Friend

What is information technology near a person that makes them your best friend? Is it considering you lot've known each other for years? How about the fact that you guys live side by side door or down the street from each other? Maybe it'south because of the crazy number of things you lot have in common—I mean, who doesn't love Hawaiian pizza, am I right? (Maybe you don't, just me and my bestie do!)

There are and then many elements that make up a best friend that information technology'southward difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is that started it all!

Regardless of what brought you two together, having a best friend is the best feeling in the earth! Having a best friend ways that you lot will never be alone, no thing the distance between you. It means having someone you can tell anything to, without feeling embarrassed, although they might tease y'all a little! It means having someone to cry to over a breakup, someone to express mirth with, someone who isn't afraid to be themselves around you lot, and vice versa!


Playing Best Friend Tag

And then patently nosotros love our bffs, and they dear us, but... Who knows each other better, isn't that the question we should be request? Because, clearly, the person who can respond more questions about the other person is the better friend, right?

I'thou merely joking, of course, at that place's no 'better' best friend, but it might be fun to see who can correctly answer more questions virtually their bestie! It'south called "Best Friend Tag!"

What you'll demand:

To start the game, you'll demand 2 things: you lot and your bff!

How to play Best Friend Tag:

The first person to tag the other gets to start!

The showtime player asks his or her best friend a question about themselves, for example: "What is my eye name?" Their friend then attempts to answer the question. If they get it right, they go a indicate! If non, they lose a point!


At present, information technology's the other person'south plough to respond the same question! See if they know the answer for their best friend! If so, they go a betoken too!

Alternate who gets to enquire the first question each round. Continue until someone reaches 25 points (or however many points you desire to play to)! The friend who has the nearly points at the stop of the game is the "All-time Friend!"

Read More From Pairedlife

So, are you ready to claiming your bff to a game of Best Friend Tag? Questions will be necessary, so here are over 100 all-time friend questions to ask your BFF!


Questions to Ask Your Best Friend

  • What is my full name?
  • What state was I built-in in?
  • What is my birthday?
  • What is my astrological sign?
  • What is one nutrient I couldn't live without?
  • What are my parents' beginning names?
  • Who was my showtime young man/girlfriend?
  • What is my favorite color?
  • Did I e'er have the chicken pox?
  • What was 1 of my nearly embarrassing moments?
  • What is the proper name of my favorite childhood pet?
  • When and where did we meet?
  • Did I ever get written up in school? What for?
  • What was my first job?
  • Practise I accept any scars?
  • What is my favorite restaurant?
  • What food do I hate?
  • What was the last mall I went to?
  • What is my favorite soda?
  • Do nosotros have whatsoever inside jokes?
  • What is my favorite band/music artist?
  • What is my strongest subject in school?
  • What is my weakest subject in school?
  • Practice I want kids, if so, how many?
  • What kind of nuptials do I want someday?
  • What is my Netflix binge show?
  • What is my greatest fright?
  • Who was my first buss?
  • What was my first machine?
  • If I could drive any colour car, what would information technology be?
  • What is my dream job?
  • What is my nationality?
  • What size shoe exercise I wearable?
  • What is my favorite clothing brand?
  • What is my favorite store to shop at?
  • What size shirt practice I article of clothing?
  • What is my lucky/favorite number?
  • What is my favorite sport?
  • What is my favorite sports team?
  • What was a large hobby of mine growing up?
  • What is my hobby at present?
  • (Close your eyes for this one) What colour are my optics?
  • What is my favorite TV prove?
  • What day is our friendiversary?
  • How many years take nosotros been friends?
  • Practise I like ketchup, mustard, or both?
  • What is my faith?
  • What is ane insecurity I have?
  • Where do I like to get to unwind?
  • Have I e'er been fired?
  • Accept I ever failed a test?
  • Which gluey bear is my favorite?
  • Which Starburst is my favorite?
  • How much do I counterbalance?
  • If I could become anywhere, where would I go?
  • Am I a cat person or a dog person?
  • Who is my favorite superhero?
  • Have I ever been in a automobile accident?
  • What kind of sub practice I order at Subway?
  • What practise I like in my DQ blizzard?
  • How practice I similar my coffee/tea?
  • What is my favorite snack?
  • Do I have any weird talents or skills?
  • Who is my favorite Disney princess?
  • What is usual breakfast?
  • What app exercise I use near often?
  • Do I have a birth mark?
  • What is my favorite shirt?
  • Have I ever stolen anything?
  • Have I ever broken the police?
  • Am I a flip flop or lawn tennis shoe person?
  • Exercise I take any musical talent?
  • What is my favorite form?
  • Do I nonetheless play with toys? If so, which ones?
  • When I order a pizza, what do I get on it?
  • Have I e'er smoked?
  • Exercise I adopt chocolatey or fruity candy?
  • Who do I miss most?
  • Would I choose roller blades or roller skates at a skating rink rental counter?
  • When information technology's snowing, would I choose to become skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or sledding?
  • If I were to win the lottery, what is the commencement thing I would buy?
  • What is my favorite Disney movie?
  • If we go to a carnival, what ride would I go along over and over?
  • At the same funfair, if I won a prize playing a game, do I chose a stuffed creature, light-headed chapeau, or an inflatable guitar?
  • If I could whatever animate being, what animal would I be?
  • What is my favorite 'healthy' food?
  • Practise I bite, prune, or file my nails?
  • What perfume/cologne do I like?
  • Accept I ever had surgery?
  • Exercise I have allergies?
  • We go to the zoo, what exhibit am I most excited for?
  • Would I exist more likely to go to a theme park or water park?
  • What is my favorite Jelly Belly jellybean?
  • What is my favorite holiday?
  • What is something I always keep in my purse/pockets/wallet?
  • What creepy crawly am I virtually scared of?
  • What is name of the street I live on?
  • What is my telephone number?
  • Do I go past whatsoever nicknames?
  • If we play Mario Kart, what grapheme do I pick?
  • What is my favorite board game?
  • What is my favorite moving picture?
  • What was the last trip I went on?
  • What is my favorite veggie?
  • Would I rather ride in a railroad train or fly in a helicopter?
  • Do I like to spend money or relieve money?
  • What practise I look forward to well-nigh about Fall?
  • What is something I would desire for my altogether?

Quizzing Your BFF

I'thou certain you'll be able to come up up with some on your own equally well, but I think this is a skilful starting indicate! Speaking of points, if y'all're up for keeping score while quizzing each other to see who's the ameliorate friend (or who pays better attention, really), make information technology more interesting by application a prize to the winner or a penalization for loser! "Loser buys ice cream!" Are yous up for the challenge?

BFF Tag!

Rithima Rahi on Baronial 30, 2020:

My best friend is my branch partner

Rithima Rahi on August 26, 2020:

Who is my all-time friend

Brooke Hess on Baronial 17, 2020:

Took me and my bff an hour but we loved it!!

malikaa on July 20, 2020:

she is a horrible friend ihh

Nanyombi Fahiimah on June 23, 2020:

My best friend is Sumayah

qnko on June 11, 2020:

my friend is a trashlqk

trundle on June 05, 2020:

this was a great examination! after the loss of my female parent, it was super comforting to take this test with my best friend, even though she is sleeping with my fiancé. it doesn't matter, nosotros share everything anyway! :)

i am Eva and my bff is Gabby on Apr 28, 2020:

if y'all run into this gabby i l u allot and hope to run across yous sone after qrointine and we can hangout thanks so ya nosotros hade fun with the question we hade fun and so thanks

China McClain on Apr 17, 2020:

Can y'all suprise me

Carly Smith on March 19, 2020:

Best friend tag is the best

Amy FUKIN DUNKIN on January 17, 2020:

How-do-you-do my proper noun Amy and my BFF is DEBBIE DOOLIE!!!!!!!!!! WE now we clothier since the wombie womb hahahahah weeeee hi. DIS quiz has had a profound effect on our lives each question is a metaphor to life, admittedly incredible. FART WOOPPIE so I think we need to go swimming next calendar week WHO WANTS TO Come ALONf my subway sandwich is turkey mayo and no staff of life always mustard boop beep bap OH NO here comes the CoPEsSSSS BETTER RUN DEBBIE RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUNR UNR I think ur proficient now ur eyes r blue cheerio fur now tehehehehe

teehee on January 03, 2020:

my friend Sepha fell off the house while we were taking this test thing. she is okay I gauge, only broke her neck luckily.

Maddie❤️ on Dec twenty, 2019:

My bff is Cami and she's the best.

If ur here Cami, I love u

Autumn on December 18, 2019:

thanks for the "Amazing" commet christen

christen on Dec 18, 2019:

Autumn did terrible. What an astonishing "bestfriend"

Lily on November 22, 2019:

It is a skilful website if you demand info

Nikolka on November eleven, 2019:

Jemi eighteen let a muj pritel sami sebe sme se ptaly jakuo mam barvu jsou tmave hnede

Trinidad on Nov 03, 2019:

Im xx years quondam and my friend and me were asking ourselves quetions one that like shooting fish in a barrel for my friend was what color my optics were because there blue

tornesha on October xviii, 2019:

my sister is so nice

#Grand-SauceRocks on September xx, 2019:

HI! loved yo qviz

boom on Baronial 28, 2019:

zoo lights and Jacuzzi here xD

AW on July 25, 2019:

im the best not my friend

978 on July 02, 2019:

me and my guy friend did this test and he knows me better than i know myself thank y'all for these questions it really improved our friendship

jenkinsk on May 28, 2019:

alexa is my best friend nosotros are the dream


Scott mcdono on April 01, 2019:

Oh shush im a dancer what more than kind of music to a womens ears might keep them curious and more than excited . i know u already have helped ?

666 on March thirty, 2019:

lingling messed up my life with this quiz told me i need more veggies in my life ik how rudeeee! i thought she was my bestiee an supported my life choices but i guess not an shes is mean for that i want a divorce !!!!! fluff yous i can totally spell hoe ! HOE see !!!!!!! thank you for nothing you youtuber girls for saving me from a toxic human relationship with a evil squinter name lingling!! signed a mad white women living in america !!!!

Julianne on March 26, 2019:

My best friend is named abbi. We are niebors and we've now eachother since four course. Just my other bestie who I so want to try this on, someone Iv know dinner I was born is Megan. And I'd love to attempt this on both of them. Espashally my other good friend Ella. Out 2 I retrieve the ones that would gauge more about me would be Ella and abbi because Megan live in AZ and I alive in SD.

moto moto's crush. on March 06, 2019:

i like em big, i like em chunky.

I recall moto moto likes you on March 06, 2019:

lol I took this test thinking moto moto likes you lot merely he didn't.

moto moto on March 06, 2019:

i like yous.

Alexa on March 03, 2019:

I played this with my friend grouping. It was fun

Sophia leonor on Feb 19, 2019:

Hi I'thou Sophia this tag question thing help me and Ruth connect a lot more!

bigonya on February 17, 2019:

thank you this was slap-up

Zerielle on Feb 08, 2019:

Thank this really Help me and my friend Communicate

Sara cucu on January 29, 2019:

Jim parsons

Hazel on January 27, 2019:

These questions were great!

kk on January 24, 2019:

i honey this sooo much my friends kori and miya played this and we dont know each other that good but information technology was really fun if you lot be our friend information technology will be fun

Izzy on January 18, 2019:

MY BESTIE IS CIARA, I don't honey her that much JK

Landon on Jan 04, 2019:

My best friends proper noun is shanda and she is literally the best! I dearest that girl to death and me and her we are a close! Without her I have no idea what I would do and I would tbh feel lonely without her. I can tell her annihilation, literally anything and she will support me and not tell anyone. She isn't the all-time and I dear that girl

Chloe on January 04, 2019:

My bff is jazzy and we are working pretty good.

emma on December 14, 2018:

my all-time friend is a daughter named sophie and she is literally the BEST girl in the world! she is super duper sweet and astonishing and beautiful! honestly, i just beloved her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!! ❤️❤️

Joy Yeatts on December 06, 2018:

My all-time friend is a girl named Morgan who I've known since before I was born because our parents met at our church building when they were significant with the states considering nosotros're the same age except she's a month and a half older than me but the same year and we're both in 6th grade and both are eleven years old!!

Player 2 on October 15, 2018:


Torniyahstokes on October 11, 2018:

My friend is amazing and her name is Kiersten and Kiersten is like my sister even though i already accept a bro and a sis that are actually close to me.

tyshaya on September 09, 2018:

i have a best friend and she is the best so it is like shooting fish in a barrel

Mileyrus on June 28, 2018:

Hey how are you guys doing how do yous do your best friends

Becky Green on June 26, 2018:

Cc I tin can't believe you would mail service our business on this random website! To make things worse you lot fifty-fifty rubbed information technology in my confront that "now everyone knows what a adulterous scumbag I am", which is just not true! Y'all made me audio like such a terrible and disgusting human beingness so I'm here to reveal the truth behind your lies. First things outset we had problems before the test. You were dealing with the loss of your mother, which caused you to become get help from what yous chosen "dr feel good" aka alcohol, and then you were already having mood swings and then adding pills to the mix to try and fix these mood swings you lot had, which made things worse. Now 2nd of all the whole "I slept with your fiance" thing was 1 of your alcohol-induced hallucinations. You drank more than usual that solar day then when you came to my house for our game night with your fiance, my blood brother, and another friends you lot went crazy. After you left no ane felt the same let 's play a game blazon of mood. Third of all your one-time fiance and I just started dating because of the whole "forget both of you" thing which nosotros bonded from losing you in the showtime place. And just to add together I'm not meaning I but gained a trivial weight and information technology's very rude of y'all to assume. But in determination, I just want all of you to know I am not a terrible person merely one who finally plant honey. Sorry for using your website as a way to solve my problems but it was necessary in my eyes. Have a good rest of your day.

Dearest, BG

Cici on June 26, 2018:

My "bestfriend" and I took this quiz a few months ago to see how much we knew nigh each other, but for me to find out she knew nothing well-nigh me. I was disappointed and upset, because we were lifelong friends. Since I was upset, i lashed out, and we got into a fight. She blamed me for non telling her annihilation, even though I always did. I blamed her because she didn't care virtually me. A few days subsequently, I was about to forgive her, because she was my best friend and I loved her. Well, I went to her apartment only to find her and my fiance sleeping together. Both of them tried to repent, just I wasn't having it, so i lost my 'BFF' and fiance, and now they are engaged and my former best friend is pregnant. Thanks for this test, just it ruined my life.

shatrala on May 03, 2018:

its really works for me and my bsf

Tatiana (writer) from Florida on April 15, 2018:

Hi Erin! I'grand then glad to hear that! It's actually raining right now where I'm at! Maybe I need to call a friend up :-)

Erin on Apr 15, 2018:

This is so much fun. It is fun to play on a rain day. Me and my friend learned a lot about each other.

Diya on April 06, 2018:

I play with my friend. I was so much fun .and I learned about my friend so much

Diana Pimental on March 29, 2018:

My friends knew all the questions I'm surprised

ANON on March 17, 2018:

Super fun learned a lot about my friend

Holly on March 17, 2018:

Swell way to laissez passer the time at a sleepover

Duffy on March 16, 2018:


NObody on March 12, 2018:

This is good I tried with friends all had a blast

Jazmine on August 16, 2017:




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