Where Can I Find Dino Beef Ribs

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Smoked Beef Dino Ribs

I got this huge rack of dino ribs (beef plate ribs) from Porter Road this calendar week and they were just screaming to be smoked! These are merely loaded with season and there was a ton of fat marbling within the meat so I kept the preparation real uncomplicated. I trimmed off most of the surface fat on summit and then used my Texas rub (Purchase formula here | Purchase bottled rub) pretty liberally on the tiptop side only. We're gonna allow that natural beef flavor really smooth through on these!

  • Prep Time: x minutes
  • Melt Time: 5-6 hours
  • Smoker Temp: 225°F/275°F
  • Meat Finish Temp: 201-203°F
  • Recommended Forest: Oak, maple, cherry mix
  • Beef plate ribs (dino ribs)
  • Jeff's Texas manner rub (Buy formula here | Purchase bottled rub)

This is not something you have to do only it makes for a better end in my opinion. There was plenty of fatty marbling within the meat and that's what really keeps the meat moist while it cooks.

If you decide to remove the fat, only use a very abrupt knife and become at information technology taking off minor bits at a time until it's down to where yous want it.

Here'due south the Before:

IMG 1788

and the Later:

IMG 1790

I decided to continue these elementary and simply use my Texas mode rub (Buy formula hither | Buy bottled rub) on the top.

IMG 1792

After applying the rub, I allow it sit down for about 20 minutes. During this time, the rub mixed with some of the juices in the meat and became a sort of paste.

You tin can see the difference it made in the image below:

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The beef ribs are at present fix to cook.. I placed it on a pan with a rack to not but reduce cleaning time on the smoker but also to let quick and easy ship to and from the smoker. The rack is about ¾ inch above the bottom of the pan and allows full smoke access on all sides of the meat.

Set your smoker for cooking at about 225°F with indirect heat.

Note: nearly smokers are already designed to work this manner. If yours has a plate, h2o pan, etc between the heat and the meat, so information technology'due south set up for indirect cooking.

If your smoker uses a water pan, fill it upwards.

I used the Camp Chef Woodwind Wifi with Pit Boss Contest Blend pellets for this cook. I get swell results with the PB pellets and they are very inexpensive and can be constitute in several local stores.

For the first four hours, I ran the CC on Loftier Smoke which maintains an boilerplate of 220°F and it never veered more than ten degrees from 220°F during this time.

Afterwards 4 hours of cooking, the beef ribs reached 160°F in the thickest office of the meat betwixt the bones.

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At this point I poured 8 ounces of beef broth into a foil pan:

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And so I placed the meat into the pan:

IMG 1808

It was covered tightly with foil and placed back onto the smoker grate. The heat was cranked up to 275°F to braise the meat and make it super tender.

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Every rack of ribs is different so be certain and bank check them at about ane hour covered and see where they are temperature wise.

When I checked mine with my ThermoWorks Thermapen at i 60 minutes, they were at 191°F and needed another 25-xxx minutes to get upward to 201-203°F.. my goal temperature.

At ane.5 hours my smoked beef ribs had reached 201°F and when I pushed a probe into them, there was absolutely no resistance and I decided to telephone call them done.

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IMG 1813

Afterward removing them from the smoker, place the entire pan into a libation for at least an hour. 2 to 3 hours would non be a bad thing if you get them done manner alee of dinner time.

Slice the ribs right betwixt the basic and serve 'em upwards to your guests.

IMG 1821

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Jeff's Smoking Meat Books

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It besides includes a complete, pace-by-step tutorial for making your ain smoked "streaky" bacon using a 100 year quondam brine recipe.

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Printable Recipe

Smoked Beef Dino Ribs

I got this huge rack of dino ribs (beef plate ribs) from Porter Road this calendar week and they were only screaming to be smoked!


  • Beef plate ribs (((dino ribs)))
  • Jeff'southward Texas fashion rub


Step 1: Trim Fat

  • Trim the fat cap from the top side of the beefiness ribs.

Step ii: Season

  • Apply a generous coat of Jeff'south Texas style rub to the pinnacle side of the beef ribs.
  • Afterward applying the rub, I let information technology sit down for virtually 20 minutes while you get get the smoker gear up.

Stride 3: Smoke

  • Fix your smoker for cooking at about 225°F with indirect oestrus.
  • If your smoker uses a water pan, fill it up.
  • Get out them solitary while they melt for the kickoff 4 hours or until the ribs accomplish about 160 degrees in the thickest function between the bones.

Footstep iv: Wrap

  • After 4 hours of cooking or when they reach 160°F in the thickest function of the meat between the basic, wrap the meat in foil or identify them in a disposable foil pan with virtually 8 ounces of beef broth. If you use a pan, cover the peak tightly with foil.
  • Identify the wrapped, covered ribs dorsum into the smoker and crank upwards the oestrus to 275°F.
  • The goal temperature is 201-203°F which will take about 1 to one.5 hours to reach after they are covered while cooking at 275 degrees.
  • Also check them with a probe to ensure they are very tender and in that location is no resistance.

Step 5: Rest

  • Later on removing them from the smoker, place the unabridged pan into a cooler for at to the lowest degree an hr. 2 to iii hours would not be a bad thing if you get them done way ahead of dinner time.

Pace half-dozen: Serve

  • Slice the ribs right between the bones and serve 'em up to your guests.


  1. Mike Thrane July 23, 2020 at 7:40 pm - Reply

    5 stars
    What is the purpose of putting it in a cooler? And do you mean just an empty plastic beer cooler?

    • Jeff Phillips July 23, 2020 at eleven:48 pm - Answer

      Letting big pieces of meat rest for some time after information technology's cooked and before you slice into it tin can aid in tenderness and juiciness. Merely utilize an empty beer libation to sort of hold in the estrus.

      • Mike Thrane July 24, 2020 at 5:47 am - Reply

        4 stars
        Thank you!

  2. Thomas Sorval June 25, 2020 at nine:28 pm - Reply

    Jeff, my new Oklahoma Joe's DLX pellet smoker works real well but the internal temperature runs near 30 degrees higher than the digital led. Any ideas?

    • Jeff Phillips June 26, 2020 at 3:07 pm - Reply

      That has to do with the placement of the probe that reads the LED temperature.. you might cheque several temperature readings and see if that 30 degree dissimilar is consistent whether you're cooking at 180 or at 225 or 300 and so yous tin just fix the smoker 25-30 degrees lower than what you actually want.

      This is a pretty common trouble with all smokers. My wood smoker is always 25 °F warmer than what the guage reads and so I run it at 200°F when I want 225°F.

      I don't recollect information technology's anything you can actually correct on the controller.

      • Dave Stride June 27, 2020 at viii:08 pm - Reply
Folio load link


Source: https://www.smoking-meat.com/june-25-2020-smoked-beef-dino-ribs

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