BlogHer 2011: Video Storyboarding and Scripting for the Writer - Makeup and Beauty Blog

BlogHer 2011: Video Storyboarding and Scripting for the Writer
Speakers from the left: Corinne Leigh, Sarah Lane

This class and that one on writing the other day were admittedly my favorites of BlogHer 2011, but I missed the first xxx or then minutes of this one, which, based on the part of the class I really was present for, I'1000 assuming was the part that covered storyboarding and scripting. 🙂

LOL! I may take missed the titular topics, simply I was present for a really fantastic discussion on video blogging.

The two speakers are very accomplished video bloggers/podcasters, and I think I might try to connect with them over again.

Hither's a video from one of the speakers, Corrine. Isn't it fantastic?

She has a whole agglomeration of great DIY videos up on her Tumblr page.

The other speaker, Sarah, has a background in professional broadcasting and is a Producer/Host/Writer/Editor at TWiT, where she hosts a show called The Social Hour.

The speakers…

Sarah Lane

Producer/author/editor at TWiT, co-host of iPad Today, Tech News Today & The Social Hr. Formerly of Current TV, Revision3, G4TV, TechTV. Catwoman.

Corinne Leigh

I am a DIYer by nature. You lot tin can bank check out my past projects on Threadbanger and new projects in my Arts and crafts Cupboard.

Video Workflow Tips

These are just some full general tips. There are of course an endless number ways to produce videos and different styles, just I was really interested in doing voiceovers of the mode like Michelle Phan.

Once y'all know what kind of video you lot want to brand, check out some related ones online. Y'all'll get ideas for lighting setups, what an appropriate elapsing might be, where to position the camera, what the speaker'south easily are doing, does she use groundwork music, does she have a jazzy intro, how are her on-screen titles handled (are they easy to read?), does she speak clearly? — things like that.

  1. Here'due south a time-saving tip for filming how-to's with a voiceover: Sometimes information technology helps to do a run through of your projection commencement, earlier filming, to rehearse what you're going to do when you movie the actual video. Exercise the projection all the way through at least once beforehand. Then, do it over again while filming, and it can help to have a friend who tin can movement the camera around for y'all, because it can exist tough to peek through a viewfinder while you're trying to do something else.
  2. If you know how to use an editing programme like Apple Final Cut or Adobe Premiere, shoot more than footage than y'all need, so that you lot can pick and cull your all-time stuff later.
  3. After filming, sit down and write out a script describing what you did for the project. When you're done, read and record what you've written. You tin utilize your same video photographic camera, but all you'll be using from this step is the voiceover (audio) track. In your editing program, excerpt the audio and lay information technology over the video you recorded in the previous step.

For voiceovers, it tin assistance to flick the entire video first subsequently doing a quick run through. Some people then put the video into their editing plan's timeline as a "crude cut," which they and so sentinel as they read and tape their script into a new runway. (Note: You can employ any video photographic camera to record a voiceover track, so you don't need a dedicated microphone, although a good mic doesn't injure. If you lot're using a video photographic camera to record your voiceover, just extract the audio rail and delete the video.)


Live, off-camera, conversational — y'all've seen all kinds of different interviews before.

  1. For easy interviews where yous're going to be off camera, ask the person to repeat each question you give them first before answering, similar, "How do I find the best beauty bargains? I look through the weekly drugstore ads that I get in the mail, and the ones that come with the Sunday paper."
  2. Ask the people you interview to sign a simple release grade, which protects yous in the unlikely event that the person you lot're interviewing later says that they never gave you permission to film them. Here's an instance form.
  3. With standard interviews where you're talking dorsum and along with someone, yous want to be conversational, make adept center contact, and be really engaged with the person. Y'all do want to accept your listing of questions in listen, and with y'all in a notebook, but you don't desire to rely on it like a crutch.

Hardware and Software

Lighting and audio are hugely of import. As a rule of thumb when it comes to lighting setups, y'all want to remove any harsh shadows from any you're filming.

A typical pro lighting setup includes three lights. One in front of the subject called the central light, 1 behind the subject called the dorsum calorie-free, and i slightly off to the side of the key called the fill up light.

The lights don't have to be fancy professional person ones with umbrellas, though. They can be regular table lamps, open windows, or even vivid white walls that will reflect a lot of lite back on your subject.

  1. has some corking tutorials and sample lighting setups.
  2. Chinese hanging ball lanterns, similar the kind they sell at Ikea, are popping upwards more and more often in professional lighting setups because 1) they're inexpensive (as depression equally $8 each) and 2) actually work. The lamp shade diffuses the light, cutting down on harsh shadows
  3. If your camera doesn't have a good built in microphone, you tin get an external USB i similar the Audio-Technica AT2020 USB Condenser USB Microphone ($99) that plugs into your computer (for recording voiceovers). Or, if your camera has a microphone input port and a hot shoe connector, you can become something like the Azden High-performance SMX-ten Stereo Condenser Microphone ($66.23) to give it a major audio upgrade.
  4. Two of the best programs to edit your videos are Apple Final Cut (about $300; available for Mac computers only) and Adobe Premiere Elements (about $80; available for Windows PCs and Mac), simply in that location are many others likewise, similar Apple iMovie ($15; available for Mac computers only), and YouTube even has its own simple editing plan now, too.

And that'south but about information technology for BlogHer 2011. I hope that even if you aren't a blogger, you lot nevertheless found something at least a picayune interesting in these past few conference posts.

Now, it's Dorsum TO BEAUTY! And the Bay Area. Talk to you before long. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. If you do happen to be interested in blogging, don't miss BlogHer 2011: Perfecting Production Reviews and BlogHer 2011: The Write Encephalon | Essential Writing and Editing Skills before you become.


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